

Ensuring Your Business Continuity

Achieving peace of mind in business involves protecting your most valuable assets: your staff and your revenue.

Business insurance provides continuity by covering the risk of losing a person crucial to your company's ongoing success. As well as covering key individuals, business insurance can also protect your entire staff against illness and injury, providing support as they recover and return to work. This offers peace of mind for both you and their families in case of unexpected events.


Shareholder cover is vital for businesses with multiple shareholders. It provides the necessary funding to buy out a shareholder’s interest in the business if they suffer a major health issue, total and permanent disablement, trauma, or in the event that they die.

Benefits of Shareholder Cover:

1. Financial Security: Provides the remaining shareholders with the financial resources to purchase the affected shareholder’s share of the business, preventing financial strain on the company.

2. Business Continuity: Maintains the stability and continuity of the business by avoiding potential disruptions caused by the sudden exit of a shareholder.

3.Agreed Valuation Method:Typically, a buy-sell agreement includes an agreed valuation method, resulting in a fair and transparent share transfer process.

4.Minimised Conflict:Reduces the likelihood of disputes among remaining shareholders and the affected shareholder’s family by providing a clear, pre-determined plan

5.Liquidity:Gives immediate liquidity to the affected shareholder or their estate, offering financial support during challenging times.


Who is a key person?

Consider if your business could survive the sudden loss of a crucial individual for six months. Key person cover protects any essential individual in your company, meaning the business can continue operating if they are unable to work due to a critical illness, disablement, or death. This cover can include:

  • Debt Protection
  • Revenue Replacement
  • Development Capital
  • Contractual Penalties
  • Recruitment/Inducement Costs
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